1. Neck Rotations
Sit up straight in a comfortable, relaxed posture. You can be sitting on a chair or in the car.
Inhale deeply and twist the neck to the right. Now slowly exhale and come back to the center.
Inhale and twist to the left, exhale come back to the center.
2. Circular Neck Rotations
Drop the chin towards the chest and rotate anti-clockwise to form a half-circle. Come back to center, facing forward.
Repeat on the other

3. Parivrtta Sukhasana
Sit in sukhasana or a simple crossed leg position.
Inhale and raise the left arm.
Exhale, place the left hand on the right knee, and the right hand on the hip for support.
Inhale and return to the center facing forward.
Repeat on the other side.

4. Ardha Uttana Asana
Sit in sukhasana or a simple crossed leg position.
Inhale and raise the left arm.
Exhale, place the left hand on the right knee, and the right hand on the hip for support.
Inhale and return to the center facing forward.
Repeat on the other side.

"This is a fantastic asana for relaxing your back, more specifically your lower back, which often gets stressed from hours of sitting on a chair. You can do this with your palms rested against any table in your office."
5. Ardha Chakra Asana
Stand up straight with the feet hip-distance apart and the arms on either side of the body.
Inhale, raise the arms over the head and place the hands above the hips
Exhale, gently bending backward and pushing the pelvis forward using the arms, lifting the chest higher
Stay here and breathe for a few seconds
Exhale, bring the arms down, and relax

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